Who I Am

{Currently Doing Telehealth}

1). Show up and choose to be present.
2). Pay attention to what has heart and meaning.
3). Speak your truth without blame or judgment.
4). Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome.

–From The Four Fold Way by Angeles Arrien Ph.D.

Who I Am

My life has given me a multi-layered richness of experiences which enhance the quality of engagement that I bring to my psychotherapy practice. My background includes a B.A. and an M.S. in Psychology, and a variety of positions in people-oriented jobs, in hospitality, and in therapeutic settings, for the county and non-profit agencies. I have a well developed Sense of Self and Sense of Humor.

From my earliest musings about purpose, I felt that service to others was my driving goal.  I enjoy people. Most of my employment and educational experiences have been people-oriented and service-oriented. In my counseling experience I focus on working with the Clients to find answers to their issues.

My emphasis is on examining one’s self, and being kind to one’s self. To that end, I encourage the client to review their own experiences to further understand who they are, and to practice self-compassion and embrace their own worthiness. Over my nearly 7 decades, I have had a multitude of experiences which have included a medley of different jobs, extensive travel, an encounter with war, and living as an expat in Mexico, learning about a multifaceted culture.

I enjoy working, and find my own fulfillment in creating and completing. I am flexible, creative and holistic (mind/thoughts, body/emotions, spirit) in working with clients.

My therapeutic practice includes a client-centered focus in which the individual is given a space to express feelings and fears. Elements of the therapeutic process include self-exploration and self-compassion, breath work and mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, and facilitating actions that assist the client in expressing one’s self through one’s own creativity.

On Self-Compassion/Self-Kindness:

“Do kindly unto Yourself, As you would do kindly unto Others.”

“Love Yourself so you can more fully love you neighbors.”
